hey curlfriend, hey.

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3 Ways To Determine If A Brand’s Marketing Matches Your Hair Care Needs

The market has gotten ahold of the desire for a one product hair styler. There are a number of styling products that have shown up promising to be a one product solution, but how does that actually play out when combined with your unique Essential Elements? Click here for an explanation of Essential Elements.

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natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls

What’s the Best Shampoo for Natural Hair?

As licensed stylists and tight curl educators, if we had a dollar for each time we were asked what the “best” product for something was, we’d have a yacht the size of Beyonce’s, no lie! It’s never a matter of what the “best” or even the worst something is, it all comes down to your desired result. How do you want to show up in the world each day?

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natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls natural hair care, natural hair tips Black Girl Curls

Stylists’ Corner: Addressing the Olaplex Lawsuit

If you haven’t heard the news already, it has been reported that product company, Olaplex, is being sued by a group of consumers for $75K in damages. As we often say, products are tools and like any other tool, we must learn how to use them properly. This blog post will discuss five reasons as to what may have caused a single product line to cause such severe reactions.

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