What Type of Protective Style Wearer Are You?

Protective styling has become a huge part of tight curl + natural hair culture. So many naturals have subscribed to the idea that it’s one of the best ways to protect their hair from the elements, give them length retention that they desire or they just want to take a break from their hair.

Using braids, crochets, wigs and weaves as a way to add a little bit of spice to their lives. Whatever reasons tight curlies + naturals have come up with for choosing “protective styling,” Black Girl Curls have identified the 5 different types of protective style wearers:

#1. Curls Just Wanna Have Fun

This protective style wearer likes to keep it funky by constantly being able to shape shift from one look to the next. This protective style wearer also gets bored easily. But we always like to warn them that while hair is the ultimate accessory, don’t get so caught up in trying all the flavors that they neglect the hair growing from their scalps.

#2. The Lazy Natural

The lazy natural isn’t as lazy as they think they are. About 99% of the protective style wearers who claim they are lazy are typically referencing the rigorous routines being shared on the Internet. We don’t blame them, performing 999 steps to get a decent hairstyle that may or may not last is for the birds. If you consider yourself lazy, you’re really just tired of the complicated information that makes doing your hair an incredibly difficult task.

#3. The Vacation Styler

As soon as the island vacays are booked, so are those braid appointments. Tight curlies + naturals have become heavily reliant on braids for vacation. Whether they truly don’t want to be bothered with doing their hair, or they really don’t feel comfortable/beautiful wearing their hair to their sunny destination. These individuals opt for an opportunity to send their hair an out of office email until they return back to the daily grind.

#4. In It for the Inches

Length retention has become synonymous with protective styling. There is a belief that keeping the ends of our hair tucked away somehow leads to growth. However, protective styles have nothing to do with length retention or growing hair down to our thighs.

#5. Frustrated/Non-Styler

The frustrated/non-styler is typically the tight curly + natural who has had it up to their eyeballs with their hair. They have tried every single product, method, solution, concoction and tip and still their hair isn’t meeting their expectations. These individuals typically choose protective styles as a means for taking a break from their hair care. All while being able to show up flawlessly with “minimal” effort.

What type of protective styler are you? Want to unlock the secret to a healthy hair routine for your tight curly + natural hair? Learn how with our free #30DayHairDetox Mini Guide. To receive your free copy, subscribe to our email list.


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